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  4. Christmas Shelf Elf - ideas pack - 32 A6 cards with props and ideas - arrival, goodbye, North Pole breakfast, report card, jokes, etc

Christmas Shelf Elf - ideas pack - 32 A6 cards with props and ideas - arrival, goodbye, North Pole breakfast, report card, jokes, etc


Pack of 32 A6 (105 x 148mm) postcard size Elf idea cards

I am now in my 10th year of elf-on-the-shelfing, so have lots of experience - which I have poured into these packs of 32 elf cards!
There are jokes, elf reports, prop cards and signs that you can use with your elf. So, if you're wracking your brains trying to think of things to do with the elf this year, this pack is perfect for you!

You will receive 32 A6 postcard sized, quality cards - digitally printed using a high definition printer onto high quality, thick, white cardstock. Plus a strip of 7 mini round stickers for use with the "pin the nose on the reindeer" card.

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